§ 3-43. Fee and term.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The fees to be paid to the city for off-sale, on-sale and special temporary licenses for nonintoxicating malt liquor shall be as determined by resolution of the council.


    Off-sale and on-sale nonintoxicating malt liquor licenses shall expire on June 30 of each year. The fee for a license year shall be prorated on a monthly basis, and each part of a month shall constitute a full month.


    Temporary on-sale nonintoxicating malt liquor licenses shall be granted for periods not exceeding seven (7) successive calendar days and sales may be made only upon public parks specifically designated by the council or upon property owned or leased by the applicant. No more than two (2) such licenses shall be granted to an applicant during any calendar year.

(Code 1984, Title 5, § 230)

State law reference

Nonintoxicating malt liquor license fees, M.S. § 340A.408, subd. 1; term of licenses, M.S. § 340A.411, subd. 2.